Pop-up books are considered by most people to be a novelty for children. Although many are intended for younger viewers, they have come to be recognized as their own unique form of art, as they are not only able to relay a story, but are able to present it as a 3-dimensional work of art
The theme of this pop-up project is the relaying of emotions. While such emotions may be presented in words using a standard book, they may be presented visually in this means, through use of components such as color, texture, and motion
The first step to the project was making a practice book, which was able to represent different basic concepts for construction
Parallel Folds
Angle Folds
Next, three different emotions were chosen, and a practice book was made using basic colors to represent each of these emotions.
From these three concepts, disgust was chosen as the theme for the final piece. Using a thick card stock paper, the shapes and backing were cut from plain white, and then painted with watercolors in order to give an appearance of texture.
Black threads were then added to give a 3-dimensional texture to the inner background
Finally, the outer cover was painted in a means resembling the theme, also using watercolors. For an added effect, a thick cardboard button was secured to the front cover, with a loop of jute string extending from the back cover, to secure the book closed.
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